Monday, January 28, 2013

Roy Days

I am so far behind with my blog because of school and life in general but I will do my best to post about everything that we have been up to in the last 7 months and hopefully try to stay caught up since I'm not going to school this semester.
My family has been really into running the last couple of years so we had a few people that ran the 5K for Roy Day. Since I don't run I just got to cheer them on. I always hear people saying that they love running and that it's super relaxing but whenever I try to run I feel the exact opposite of that. I despise running and it definitely doesn't make me feel relaxed. It makes me feel like I'm going to die. Whenever I see those e-cards on Pinterest about running they make me laugh because they describe my relationship with running. Especially the one that says something like if you see me running then you better start running too because someone is chasing me.  

Mylee and Oakley love to hangout with each other.
Our pre-parade entertainment.
More pre-parade entertainment.
We got so much candy that me and Cody had to help pick it up.
I made sure to hold Dayton when the aquatic center float came by so they could get Brittany nice and wet. They didn't seem to be too scared of her when she started telling them that they couldn't get her wet because she was their boss.

My Cousin's daughter Alayna is an officer at Sandridge Junior High.

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