Thursday, May 24, 2012

An Egg-celent Time!!!

My dad's family doesn't get together to often but Robyn organized an easter party and it was so fun to get everyone together. The day of the party was freezing so I was not too sad when I was first person to get out in the egg roll. They decided to have a pinata instead of an egg hunt and it was definitely a success. The kids all got way too much candy and were great about making sure that all the little kids got candy too.

I think that competitiveness runs in the family. Stacie is beating up Jason for breaking her egg in the egg roll.


I didn't realize that I had never posted these pictures. I think that everyone knows that volleyball is my favorite so when my work annouced that they were having a volleyball tournament I was super excited. I was a little nervous because Adam was playing on my team and sometimes we struggle to play sports together because I am super serious and want to win and if he messes up I get super annoyed. I realize that I am really mean when playing sports but when I am actually playing I have a hard time controlling my need to win.  We did pretty well and ended up losing to a team that we shouldn't have lost to but it was still fun and I hope they have the tournament again next year.

Ups and Downs

I usually don't write much about feelings on my blog but it's been a rough day and it's only 11 am. Yesterday was an awesome day I got good news at work and Robyn found me a general dentist office to finished doing my externship hours at. I just finished working 50 hours at an orthodontic office and I wish that I could just do all of my hours there. The people were so nice and I really liked working on the braces and helping people get beautiful straight teeth. I think that if I work as an assistant I will definitely try to work in an orthodontic office. Robyn is an awesome sister she is always so helpful first she found me an orthodontic office to go to and then she found me a general dentist office to go to. She did a lot of work to find the general dentist office she had to call a lot of places and I really appreciate it. It's funny that I hate talking on the phone and calling people when my job consists of talking on the phone. Because yesterday was awesome it's was fate to have today suck to balance it out and fate is definitely working hard to make today suck. My day started out with me being late to work and then I got two horrible phone calls. I don't understand how people think that it's OK to be mean to others just so that they can get their way. Do people really think that they are that much more important than other people that they can just do or say whatever they want just to get what they want. If someone understands why people feel this way please explain it to me. The one thing that I have to look forward to is dinner with my Mom and one of my best friends. Sorry that this post is kind of scatterbrained I just needed to write. I do have some fun stuff to post about like Flowrider and Softball.

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