Tuesday, January 29, 2013


We went to Oklahoma at the beginning of December to visit my cousin Jenn and her husband Ryan. I was super excited to go because we used to hangout with Jenn and Ryan all the time. Also, I had never been to Oklahoma or Texas  We didn't really have anything planned other than going to Texas to watch the Cowboys play to Eagles. I don't like either team but I was excited to go to my first NFL game and everyone kept telling me how amazing the Cowboys stadium is. We picked this game because Ryan is an Eagles fan and normally Jenn and I cheer against any team that the Eagles play but the Cowboys are my least favorite team so I had to cheer for the Eagles. While we were there the weather was amazing. I had only brought boots because at home it was in the 30s and Jenn said that it was supposed to rain while we were there. It was in the upper 70s in Oklahoma and in the 80s in Texas. I wish I didn't bring my coat because it was just an extra thing to carry in the airport and I didn't need it. I was way surprised when we were able to go on a walk at 6 o'clock at night with short sleeve and no jacket. It was definitely a relaxing vacation not one of those vacations where you need a vacation after you get back from vacation.

Here's a few random things I noticed while in Oklahoma only some people have accents but the ones that do have really thick accents. Everyone is super polite and friendly. They have oil pumps just randomly placed all over. We went to a restaurant for dinner one night and behind the restaurant there was an oil pump. The song from Oklahoma is true the wind definitely comes sweeping down the plains but Texas was more windy than Oklahoma. They are huge Football fan. We went to dinner on Saturday night and everyone in the restaurant had on a Sooners shirt. I kind of felt like the odd man out.

Don't mind that my eyes are barely open we had to be up at 4 in the morning for our flight.

They live about 20 minutes away from Oklahoma City and the Jazz were playing the Oklahoma Thunder while we there so we decided we would go to the game. When we got to the stadium we found out that the cheapest tickets were $50.00 each and they had a partially obstructed view so we decided to just find someplace to watch the game. We went to dinner at Toby Keith Bar and Grill and it was amazing. Then we walked down the street to a bar called Tapwerks. The bar was crazy and served a ton of different types of beer. I was in awe of all the taps.
Since we went during the school semester I had to write a paper for one of my classes while we were there. I knew it would be an easy paper so I kept putting it off and putting it off eventually I had to write it like 20 minutes before we left for the game because it was do that night. I am a master at procrastination. Our seats were pretty high up but we could see everything. The screen the hangs over the feel is gigantic so you felt like you were right in the action. Unfortunately, the Cowboys won but it was close game. My mom kept text me while we were at the game and told me to go down by the TV announcer so she could see me on TV. Next time I go to an NFL game it will definitely be a Green Bay game. The plans are already in the works.  

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