Friday, May 29, 2009

Game night

Last week I had a game night at my house some friends came over and we just had snacks and played games. It was fun to have a laid back night of just hanging out with good friends. We played Super Mario 3 for the old school Nintendo and it was so fun. It reminded me of being at Dixie and going downstairs to the boys apartment to play Mario pretty much everyday. We also played a game called Eye to Eye it is kind of a reverse version of Scattergories. You have a category and you have to write down three things that go with the subject. So, for example the category might be things that open and you could right down a window. The object to the game is to cross off all the things that you wrote down, you get to cross of the things that you wrote down if someone else wrote down the same thing. It was really fun and we definitely need to make it a more frequent activity for me and my friends. I have pictures but those will have to be posted later because I don't know how to hook the camera up to the computer so I will have to get Adam to help me.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Husband Tag

1. His full name? Adam Robert Ethington
2. How long have you been together? 2 years and three months
3. How long did you date? 10 months
4. How old is he? 24
5. Who eats more? It depends on what we are eating
6. Who said, "I Love You," first? Adam
7. Who is taller? Adam
8. Who sings better? definitely him
9. Who is smarter? Depends on what we are talking about. Adam knows a ton about electronics but I know a lot about other stuff
10. Who does the laundry? We each do our own
11. Who pays the bills? I do. I do it while I'm at work since I work at the credit union
12. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you are laying in the bed then I do
13. Who mows the lawn? I wish we had a lawn to mow
14. Who cooks dinner? I usually do
15. Who drives? Adam does because he gets car sick and I like to just be the passenger and not have to pay attention
16. Who kissed whom first? Adam
17. Who's more stubborn? Definitely me
18. Who asked whom out first? He asked me out but it wasn't a date (that answer is for you Britt)
19. Who proposed? Adam did
20. Who has more friends? I do or at least I have more friends that we hang out with
21. Who is more sensitive? Depends on the situation
22. Who has more siblings? Definitely him he has 8 I only have 2
23. Who wears the pants? Definitely me. Well maybe not but I do know how to get my way.

My first official blog

Wow, I thought that this would be a lot easier than it is. I can't figure out how to do anything on this blog. I figured that I should get a blog because pretty much everyone I know has one. Let me just tell you before I actually start blogging that this will probably be a very boring blog because I don't do to much more than go to work and hang out at home. So hopefully my life will become more interesting in the next few months. I had to change the name of my blog because Adam said that the other name was a bit too long.

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