Tuesday, October 27, 2009

More stuff to post

I have some more stuff to post but I can't get the pictures off my camera and Adam can't figure out what is wrong either so my other posts will just have to wait for another day. Hopefully we can figure out what is wrong because I have a lot of pictures. So stay tuned hopefully tomorrow Adam can figure out how to make it work.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween party

Every year we have a family Halloween party and everyone has to wear a costume. I have to say that I am not really a fan of dressing up and on the day of the party I still didn't have a costume but then adam pulled a bat hat out of his movie costume box when we were moving so I just wore that. It is always super fun and there are tons of game for the little kids and some games for the big kids. We usually bob to apples but because of swine flu they decided that this was not the best idea so instead everyone got gummy worms covered with whip cream and you had to eat them off your plate without using your hands it was super fun and only a little messy. There was also the classic eat the doughnut off the string game. I'm not a big fan of doughnuts so I couldn't finish my doughnut; my favorite part of the game was swinging the doughnut next to Austin and hitting him in the face.
My doughnut was so low to the ground I just laid on the floor to eat it.
After I gave up on my doughnut I started swinging that doughnut at Austin.
The big kids were the messiest.
I think I'm going to be sick!
I guess Marn and John missed the memo about dressing up.
I guess Jenn got the memo about everyone dressing like a bat.
The mummy making contest was so fun!
Oakley hated her hat and who could blame her it kept going over her eyes.
Whitney was too good for our party she went to her dance party instead.

Another house post

I have been slacking a little on my house updates I usually write the posts at work but I have to load the pictures at home and I just never seems to get around to it. We are mostly moved into my parents house and they only have dial-up internet so it takes a lot of patiences to upload these pictures. They are getting faster internet hopefully this week thank goodness. We now have cabinets I only have pictures of the lower ones because the upper ones weren't in the day that I went to take pictures but the upper ones are now in. I think that it may be harder to get into the house from now on since they put door knobs on the outside doors. It is really starting to seem like a house now and I'm not really sure how it could possibly take another month to finish the house so my fingers are still crossed for closing before November 24th. They have done more since these pictures were taken and I am going to go on Thursday to see the progress so I will try to post more pictures then.

This is what my mom thinks is the living room everyone else calls it the garage. I guess the big opening didn't give it away that it was actually the garage

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Paint and Tile

Written 10/22/2009

They have now painted and tiled our house I am hoping that they will put in the cabinets this week. They also have the siding on the back and the side. I am really hoping that they will finish our house early because I am really excited to move in and decorate. We are moving in with my parents at the end of this month so that we don't have to pay for a whole months worth of rent and only live there part of the month. We are planning on moving this weekend and I only have 5 boxes packed so I better start packing a lot more.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The zoo from the view of a two year old

Robyn got a new camera so she gave addisyn her old camera to play with she insisted that she needed to take it to the zoo and it was a good thing since both and my mom's camera batteries died. We decided that we wouldn't help addisyn take pictures unless she asked us to and just see how they turned out since we wouldn't be wasting film or anything. She actually did pretty good considering that when she takes a picture she holds the camera above her head. She is also a very bossy photographer she kept telling us to scoot back or sideways and then she would always tell us to "Say cheese".


A couple weekends ago I went to watch my cousin Jacee play soccer she is seven so her team is just past the stage of what I call bunch ball where they all just fun around right by the ball. They only get to play with five people and a goalie so the only have forwards and fullbacks. Jacee is amazing she was playing fullback and the other girl that was playing the same position was just standing there not really paying attention to what was going on in the game while Jacee was running all over getting the ball away from the other team everytime. I just wish that he coach would teach her that if no one is in front of her to just keep the ball and take it to the goal even if she is playing fullback. Twice she got past everyone on the other team and her team and there was no one in front of her to pass the ball to but when she would get to half field she would just kick it hard towards the other teams goal and then her teammates would have to run past her to get the ball. I guess she has been taught that if she is playing fullback then she can't go past half field we tried to tell her that if no one else is in front of her she could just keep going but she wouldn't listen to us.

Brew Crew

So I have been playing softball with my cousin and some other people on a co-ed team. It has been really fun and we are pretty good we have only lost once. I do have to say that softball is definitely not my sport I end up with at least one bruise every week. It has also made me realize how out of shape I am but then I push the thought of working out more out of my head until the next week when I have someone right behind me running around the bases.Jenn getting ready to hitSince I'm a lefty you only get a picture of my backside

Ryan getting ready to hit

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Addisyn kept yelling at the giraffe to stand up because it was laying down when we first when to see it. It must have understood her because it finally stood up.
I was kind of disappointed because the doors were closed so the Giraffes couldn't go inside and it was really cool last time when they were inside because you could get so close to them.
This was the main reason for our trip to the zoo to see the new baby elephant It was very cute.
Too bad Cody missed this last time we went to turtle was far away and just laying there.
Addisyn had been asking to ride the train for a while so we decided to ride it right before we left.
This is right before she went down the slide and it threw her off the end and she landed on her face.
She was too afraid to go down at first but once she went down there was no stopping her.
It was a tight squeeze.
but I made it!
I went to the zoo last tuesday with my mom and Addisyn it turned out to be the perfect day especially since it has been freezing everyday since then. Addisyn really loved the baby elephant she said "aww she's so cute". It was really fun to not have to rush and it was definitely less crowded than when we went on labor day. The one animal she asked to see again just happened to be the one animal that we saw that was not actually part of the zoo. There was a squirrel that was running around and she wanted to go back and see it. We also realized that we missed seeing a big portion of the zoo last time we went so I was glad to go back and be able to see all the animals that we missed. For lunch we decided to sit and eat at the tables by the penguins I was hoping that the trainer would come out feed them while we were sitting there and it must have been my lucky day because she did come out and feed them and we got to watch. While we were eating Addisyn kept wanting to get a drink out of the lion drinking fountain it was right next to our table to that worked out great but unfortunately she wasn't strong enough to push the button to make the water come out so someone had to get up and help her everytime. It was definitely fun and I want to go back soon.


So Tuesday we were supposed to have a softball game at 9:30 pm of course our only late game had to be at the end of the season when it is freezing but then they canceled the game. We already got rained out one week during the season and it just happened to be the week that we had a doubleheader. So now we have to make up three games at this rate we will be playing until Christmas.

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