Monday, January 28, 2013

Family campout

Every year my mom's extended family has a big family camp out and it is always a blast. This year because of school and work we were only able to go up late Saturday so we missed tubing in the river but we still had a ton of fun. We got to stay in my parents tent and use their grill so it was a pretty easy camping trip for us. Adam discovered that with his camera he can set it up so we can make can run around with the flashlights and make a cool design in the picture. 
Ann's kids are always so good about watching Robyn's kids especially while we were close to the river while camping.

My parents decided to go on a bike ride so I hurried and used their stuff to make dinner for Adam and me.

Don't mind that's it's the end of the summer and I don't even have the slightest tan. That's what happens to you when you work 6 days a week.

I get this from Oakley quite often. I do have to say sometimes I stick my tongue out at her first. The other night at dinner so tried to get me in trouble by telling my mom that I stuck my tongue out at her. ha ha

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