Thursday, May 24, 2012


I didn't realize that I had never posted these pictures. I think that everyone knows that volleyball is my favorite so when my work annouced that they were having a volleyball tournament I was super excited. I was a little nervous because Adam was playing on my team and sometimes we struggle to play sports together because I am super serious and want to win and if he messes up I get super annoyed. I realize that I am really mean when playing sports but when I am actually playing I have a hard time controlling my need to win.  We did pretty well and ended up losing to a team that we shouldn't have lost to but it was still fun and I hope they have the tournament again next year.


Unknown said...

Haha I love this post! YOu did pretty good to be nice. We had so much fun watching you guys! I hope they do it again next year too!!

Brett and Lindsey said...

Larissa's face is priceless in the last photo! I miss you girls!! I hope all is well with you Heather!!

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