So I have been playing softball for the past few years with the same team and I love it. I may not be the best but it's nice to have a scheduled time each week to get some exercise. Last night was our first game of the fall season and my cousin Jenn was player catcher and the second batter of the night hit a foul ball that hit Jenn in the mouth. Her lip immediately started to bleed so she was just going to sit out until she could get it to stop bleeding but and then play again. When it stopped bleeding she went to the bathroom to wash her hands and when she looked at her lip she decided that she needed to go get stitches rather than play. One of the guys on our team can't play right now so he was going to take her to the instacare but my mom and Laurie came to watch right then so they took her instead. Unfortunately, the instacare was closed she ended up going to the ER. Five stitches and some pain medication later she is as good as new. I learned a good lesson from this whole situation. I learned that I need to be more prepared when I go to softball. Sometimes I don't bring my wallet or my phone which would be really bad if I got hurt. Jenn didn't have her insurance card so she had to call Ryan who is in Oklahoma working to get the information. Because Jenn had to leave we needed another girl so that all of our guys could bat. One of the girls on our team broke her hand so we was just watching but she ended up filling in and did an amazin job batting with just one hand. We ended up winning the game 22-5 and I even got a triple.
After the stitches
Before the stitches
1 comment:
I always miss all of the exciting softball moments. I was so going to bring my tennis shoes and come watch last night 28 weeks isn't to far along to play is it??? Hope Jenn is feeling better.
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