Saturday, March 26, 2011


A few weeks ago my cousin Morgan invited us to come and watch her play hockey the game started at 9pm which was kind of late but I was glad because that made it so I was able to go after I got off work. The first question Adam asked me when I invited him to come to the game was "Is there going to be any fight?" I told him that there probably weren't going to be any fights but he still came and I think that he still had fun. It has been a long time since we got to watch Morgan play hockey and it was so fun to watch her. When her team first skated out onto the ice we were all trying to find her and just as we spotted her she fell down. It was really funny that she happened to fall right then because we were all looking at her. She had a really good cheering section there for her since she invited us all on Facebook and she hardly ever plays in Utah because there aren't too many womens teams. She scored her team's only goal of the night and was really excited when she scored. She is a really good skater and really agressive I wish that she played games here more often. Unfortunately her team lost but she played really well. It was just a practice game and it was kind of obvious that some of the people didn't care rather they won or not. Hopefully they will do better when they go to play in the national tournament in a couple of weeks. Thanks Robyn for letting me steal your pictures since I didn't take any of my own.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

Thanks Heather!!! You ROCK!

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