On Tuesday Addisyn had a field trip for school and since I had the day off I got to go with her. They had been learning about grain so for the field trip they went to Great Harvest Bread. The girl that did the tour made it the perfect length for three and four year olds. She told them all the ingredients that went into the bread and let them touch them. She showed them the giant oven that they cook the bread in and the machine that they use to dump the dough out onto the table. The end was the best part they gave everyone a slice of bread or a cookie. After the field trip was over I decided to take Addisyn with me to Kohl's because I had to exchange some stuff and then to McDonald's to eat and play on the toys. While we were at Kohl's we decided to look at the shoe's and Addisyn found the perfect pink rain boots so I let her get them since I had $10.00 Kohl's cash so her boots were basically free. It was a fun day but it reminded me why I don't have kids I was exhausted when I dropped her off at her grandparents.
I love the Kohls cash! I am pretty jealous you got to go on a field trip with her too! Is this the day she said something funny about shoes mom was telling me about.
Thanks for going with her on her field trip. She thought is was so cool. She also loves the boots you got her I think she would eat, sleep, and shower in them if I let her. I had a free $10.00 shopping card to Khol's so Addi made me get Oakley some to match hers.
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