Saturday, May 1, 2010

Late Night Mischief

Today is My cousin Jack's birthday A.K.A. Austin so last night my mom and Robyn decided that we were going to wake him up at midnight and take him to eat. When we got to his house he was asleep on the couch so Robyn started to pull him of the couch to wake him up. Once he was kind of awake we told him to go get his shoes and as he was walking to his room he stepped on the tile and fell down it was really funny. We decided to go to Village INN to eat while we were waiting for our food Austin decided that he needed a mustache and then he shaved it off with his straw he's still not old enough to handle sharp objects maybe next year. It was really fun but I was definitely tired when I had to get up for work this morning.


Unknown said...

I wish we could have gone but it looks like you guys had fun!

Brett and Lindsey said...

Yeah! Heather I am so glad you finally blogged!! lol I still need to lol but I wasn't as far behind as you, so I use that as my justification!! :) That is so cool of your mom! She is like a big kid!! I love it! What a cool grandma! I hope I'm like that someday! :) Well I will see ya at work!! Keep up the blogging!!

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