When I was in high school I had a really close group of friends and as we have graduated and moved on with our lives it is sometimes hard to get together to hangout but we always try to go out to dinner for each persons birthday. The 20th was Larissa's birthday and she chose to go to Goodwood. The last time I went Goodwood I was not impressed but this time is was pretty good.
After we went to dinner we all decided to go to Graywhale in one car because Larissa needed to buy something. I love car rides with Sarah and Larissa we have some of our best memories from car rides. We used to drive to school together and also go to lunch every day in high school so some of our funniest stories happened in the car. After we went to Graywhale we decided to go to Larissa's house and play Nintendo 64 we only ended up playing video games for an hour and then we just hung out until like 1 in the morning. Larissa said that she could stay up that late because she is a real person now that she is 21.
P.S. Brittany you're dead to Sarah because you ignored her texts.
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